Evening kids.
I havent blogged in a while as the pressures of working full time and trying to study hard enough for an MA are pretty huge. However, in an attempt of procrastination, here's a bloggoweb.
I've been living with my lovely girlfriend and her parents in their house for almost seven months now. It was tentative at first, now today I feel officially part of the family. Here's why in a blog I call:
The Top 10 Signs That Indicate You've Been Formally Accepted into Someone's Family.
In reverse order
10 You feel as if you can make them a cup of tea and it wouldn't be weird.
9 You've met some friends of the family.
8 You know how everyone likes their tea.
7 You can cook for them in their kitchen.
6 You know where EVERYTHING lives in their kitchen and the specific order that bowls / dishes have to be stacked in, in order for kitchen doors to close.
5 You don't feel guilty picking up the home phone
4 You're at ease opening the front door, to someone who isn't obviously the post-man.
3 It's socially acceptable to put things that you like on their shopping list.
2 You get included in the names of Christmas cards.
1 You go to the toilet, but before you can lock the door, the family cat is inside the bathroom with you. Instead of freaking out and ushering it out like a good guest, you duly lock the door, have a wee, it parades around your feet and then waits for you to finish washing your hands and then politely stares at you; asking you to unlock the door with a single look. You then duly leave thinking that all of this is completely normal and when quizzed about it...No-one cares because, 'yeah, she does that sometimes.'
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